Why Should Your Kid Learn Coding Outside of School?

In today’s digital age, coding is an essential skill that can open up a world of opportunities for your child.

While schools are increasingly incorporating coding into their curriculums, there are several compelling reasons why parents should consider enrolling their kids in additional coding classes outside of the school environment.

In this blog, we will discuss why your kid should learn coding outside of school.

Better Problem-Solving Skills and Creativity

Coding is much more than just writing lines of code; it involves a unique way of thinking that enhances problem-solving skills and creativity.

When youngsters learn to code, they are taught to break down difficult issues into digestible chunks, analyse logically, and devise novel solutions.

Your child can develop enhanced coding skills with JetLearn’s coding classes! Want to see how? Sign up for a free trial class today!

A Learning Experience Curated Just for Your Child

Every child has a different learning pace and style, which is often difficult to accommodate in a traditional classroom setting.

Coding programmes outside of school provide a personalised learning experience geared to each child’s specific need.

This individualised approach ensures that children can grasp concepts at their own pace, receive immediate feedback, and have their questions answered promptly.

Keeping Up with Technological Advancements

Because technology advances so quickly, new programming languages, tools, and frameworks emerge on a regular basis.

Schools often struggle to keep their curriculums updated with the latest developments in the tech world.

Supplementary coding classes, however, are typically more agile and can quickly adapt to industry changes.

Build an Extra Strong Foundation at an Early Age

The demand for coding abilities in the employment market is skyrocketing. Starting early allows youngsters to lay a solid foundation that will offer them a competitive advantage in the future.

Schools begin coding curriculum only after a certain age when your child is already late for the futuristic education, which is essential for their successful future.

Check out JetLern’s TrustPilot reviews to see how their classes have positively impacted other children’s lives.

Fostering a Love for Learning

One of the most significant benefits of coding classes outside of school is that they can ignite a genuine passion for learning, unlike the often mandatory and structured nature of school coding classes.

When children see the tangible results of their efforts come to life—whether it’s a simple game or a complex app—they experience a sense of accomplishment that fuels their desire to learn more.

JetLearn: Your Partner in Coding Education

When it comes to choosing the right coding class for your child, JetLearn checks all the right boxes. Here’s what JetLearn offers that traditional classrooms often don’t:

  • Personalised Learning Plans: Unlike traditional classrooms where one-size-fits-all, each child at JetLearn receives a customised learning plan tailored to their individual pace and interests.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Traditional classrooms operate on fixed schedules, but at JetLearn, classes can be scheduled at times that suit your family’s busy lifestyle, offering unparalleled flexibility.
  • Up-to-date Curriculum: While school curriculums can be slow to adapt, our courses are constantly updated to include the latest advancements in technology, ensuring your child learns relevant and cutting-edge skills.
  • 1:1 Attention from Expert Instructors: In traditional classrooms, teachers often manage large groups, making giving individual attention difficult. At JetLearn, our experienced instructors provide personalised guidance and immediate feedback.

Click here to read more about JetLearn’s teaching approach!


In conclusion, while school coding classes provide a foundation, the unique benefits of after-school coding programmes make them the ideal setting for truly mastering coding skills.

Give your child the necessary advantage by exploring coding education options beyond traditional classrooms today!


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