Exercising for Weight Loss: Finding the Right Workout Plan for Your Body

Those looking to lose weight must ask themselves two questions along their fitness journey: what foods to eat and which exercises you should incorporate into your regimen. Besides embracing a healthier way of eating, you must find a suitable workout plan for your lifestyle and body. It can be challenging to lose weight, and there are many lifestyle factors you will need to consider. This guide has compiled some general guidelines that may help determine the right path and methods to secure success and support reaching your goals.

Decide what’s right for you

Asking yourself goal-oriented questions can help you to discover what workout plan is right for you. For example, how much weight do you want to lose, and what is your desired time frame for reaching noticeable results? Realistic and achievable goals can help you stay motivated and on track.

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What is your current fitness level? 

Knowing your fitness level can help you determine the appropriate exercise types, intensity, and frequency. Starting slowly and gradually working your way up is conducive to sticking with your plan for the long haul. 

What type of exercise do you enjoy? 

You are more inclined to continue with exercise and physical activities you enjoy. Do not force yourself into performing exercises you strongly dislike. Creating an individualized plan allows you to craft a workout routine that suits you.

What exercise would fit best into your daily schedule?

The exercise plan you choose has to fit into your schedule. If you have limited time, you need to consider shorter workouts. Quality is often more important than duration.

The best workouts for weight loss

To prevent boredom, it helps to mix up your workouts. Devote two days each week to full-body strength workouts and four days to cardio, with one active recovery day.

Low-intensity cardio

Walking is an example of low-intensity cardio that can help you to burn calories and lose weight. You can perform these exercises anywhere, and they don’t require any special equipment. Try to do low-intensity cardio four or five days a week for 45 minutes at a time.

High-intensity cardio

Cycling, running, and swimming are high-intensity cardio that can elevate your heart rate and burn calories. Even jumping rope can provide you with high-intensity cardio and a full-body workout. Aim for ten sets of 100 jumps with a quick break between sets. Beginners can start with fewer sets and work their way up.

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts are ideal for weight loss due to the significant amount of calories burned over a short period. You continue to burn calories after HIIT training because your body has to consume excess oxygen, which signals your metabolism to burn fat. There are many online HIIT exercise programs you can do at home.

Strength training

Cardio helps to burn calories in the moment, but strength training increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories over time. When you add muscle tissue, your body has to use more energy, increasing calorie burn. Strength workouts require lifting heavier weights over 12 to 15 reps while maintaining form.

Circuit training

You can burn plenty of calories while doing circuit training. It combines cardio and strength training for a quick, efficient workout. Several exercises target different muscle groups with little rest in between. As your heart rate stays elevated, you burn many calories.

Last Words

Developing a reasonable and sustainable workout plan is essential for any successful weight loss program. Finding exercises you enjoy and fit in with your daily schedule can help instill the motivation to stay with it. Combining cardio and strength training can improve strength, support heart health and help you lose weight.

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