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How and When to Apply for a Primary School in Wokingham

how to apply to a primary school in wokingham, whats the deadline to apply for a school in wokingham, wokingham primary schoolsWokingham Borough Council have a  school admissions hub which has a wealth of information including finding your catchment area and admission policies.

The application process usually starts mid November and stays open until mid January.  This year you can apply from 13th November 2021 and the deadline is 15th January 2022 although it’s always best not to leave it to the last minute if possible.

The below information is not exhaustive and full information can be found on Wokingham council’s admissions website.

  • You can apply for up to four schools in order of preference
  • Every address in the borough has at least one designated area (or catchment) school
  • If your child attends a nursery or foundation unit which is part of a school, this doesn’t guarantee a place at this school
  • Home to school transport is available to children that meet certain eligibility criteria
  • Some schools use the council admissions policies and over-subscription policies, and some use their own. Find out which on the admissions hub.
  • The council’s over-subscription policy comes into effect when more places have been applied for than are available at a school. The order of priority for children is:
    1. A ‘looked after child’, or a child that has been adopted
    2. Where there are exceptional medical or social needs for a child to be at a particular school
    3. For junior school applications to transfer to year three; children who are attending the infant school with close links with the junior school by the deadline for applications
    4. Children whose permanent home address in inside the schools’ designated area, and who have a sibling at the school at time of applications and attendance
    5. Children whose permanent home address is inside the schools’ designated area
    6. Children whose permanent home address is outside the schools’ designated area and who has a sibling at the school at time of applications and attendance
    7. All other children

To submit an online school place application, or for further information, visit the Wokingham Borough Council’s school admissions hub or email the school admissions team.

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